
I Don't Know What it is Either

Ink on dead tree. I can't remember why, but I titled it "Escape." This is how I spent my time in grad school when I didn't have a teevee.


Purple Mountain Something or Other

Ink on a pretty big sheet of dead tree. The picture doesn't convey the magnitude of tree tragedy that has transpired.

This is something I made for a dear friend on the date of her wedding. The shapes probably don't mean much to you if you aren't familiar with Grand Lake, and, actually, they probably don't mean much to you if you are, so let me briefly explain. The mountains in Grand County take a lot of acid.


Yeah, But Did You See the Movie?

The pictures that follow came from a class I took in college, in which we were to pick a short story that we'd read in that class and adapt it for the screen, and then storyboard the script. These are my storyboards for Borges' "Library of Babel," which describes the entire universe as a vast library. Most of the books in the library are gibberish, but since the library contains every possible combination of alphabetical characters, it must also include all of the great master works. If you haven't come across this story, I recommend a trip to your own library. It can be found in either Ficciones or Labyrinths.
     In adapting it for the screen, I decided to imagine a video library instead, since the story would be told visually. The pictures weren't stored in order in my closet, and I no longer remember their order, so don't expect a narrative. Ink on tree, murdered, butchered.


Start Your Day with a Radioactive Donut

Ink on deceased tree, survived by two saplings. Radioactive coffee to follow.


Ashley's Accoutrements

Ink on dead tree. My friend Ashley's purse, hand cream, dried rose, and books. which are also ink on dead trees.


Camel Says Mlllahhhh!

Ink on dead tree. This particular tree died in its prime, and is survived by two saplings. 


Friday of Chagrin

Graphite and colored pencil on dead, perforated, lined tree. This drawing, which I made during a math lesson, is a good example of my fourth grade oeuvre. It thus explains why, at the checkout counter, I must still present the clerk with a handful of change and say, "I have this many."

It was quite a year, fourth grade. Some of my more sophisticated work was shown in the hallway. The hallway! Maybe you've heard of it.

Someone please explain to me how my glasses made it into my fantasy.


Window Washers, Zero Degrees Fahrenheit

Ink on tree that was taken from its homeland and chopped into bits. Of course it snows under the window washers in January, but such a thing can surprise a silly village boy.


The Credible Hulk

Ink on murdered, pulped tree. Click below to see details of dialogue.